Today in Russia, after the government introduced sanctions against foreign products, there is an acute shortage of quality milk and dairy products. There is simply no good cheese and sour cream in the country, and small producers, working mainly in villages, cannot saturate the market with the required quantity of goods. That is why the construction mini milk processing plant in the coming years will be able to bring excellent profits to the owner: he will quickly occupy the market and will be able to recoup the investments made if he follows technology and monitors the quality of the product.


Milk is the first thing a person consumes in life. Dairy products are very beneficial for the body - they contain the necessary levels of fat, calcium, phosphorus and B vitamins. Most people have no contraindications for consuming milk and dairy products, so they consume them regularly, at least once a week. That is why the demand for such goods is consistently high, even despite the crisis that has hit the incomes of Russians.Today there are quite a lot of major players in the dairy products market, but with the right approach you can always find your niche, supplying a whole city or even a region with goods. The main thing is not to skimp on raw materials and always monitor the quality of the product in order to please your customers and gain regular customers.

The mini-factory operates in automatic mode


We have already discussed above that dairy products are very popular and are always in demand. They will always be bought. Why should you consider this opportunity and open your own processing shop? There are two reasons for this:

  1. Often, villagers living some distance from a large city simply do not have the opportunity to sell the entire volume of milk produced by cows. In the villages they simply don’t buy it, because many people have cows, and not everyone has the transport to carry it to the city.
  2. Supplies of powdered milk in Russia are gradually being depleted as it has come under sanctions. This leads to higher prices for dairy products and a decrease in their quality.

It should also be taken into account that dairy products are often recyclable - kefir can be made from milk, whey is obtained when making cheese, etc.

We draw up a business plan

Before starting any business, you need to draw up a business plan for the event. No exception mini-workshop for milk processing: you need to think about what goals you set, how you plan to achieve them, what kind of premises you will need, what equipment you need to buy. And, most importantly, calculate how much you need to invest to start and how quickly the investments made will pay off. Also, the business plan must include a section with possible risks and ways to overcome them in the most painless way. This document will help you understand the necessary steps in the present and not get lost in the future, after the business has already been launched.

First of all, study the market and think about what you can offer customers to lure them away from competitors. Your products must include popular milk, kefir and fermented baked milk. Next, if you wish, you can look at sour cream, tops, cottage cheese, butter, and a variety of yoghurts. In the future, when you have already entered the market and are firmly on your feet, it will be possible to launch products such as yogurt, ice cream, cheese curds for children, etc. But you need to rely on a popular product in order to ensure the required level of sales and gain trust buyers.

The principle of operation is quite simple: you buy milk from the population or large farmers, process it at the factory and sell the goods wholesale to bases or supermarkets. Then there are the nuances: if available in the area major manufacturer of milk, it is better to work with him, and not with the population, so that the milk is of the same quality and with predictable characteristics/purity, because with the population you will not control the quality from each can. Some entrepreneurs want to sell goods not in bulk, but through their stores, but this is a rather desperate step, justified only if you want to launch your own series of eco-products.

Attention:your store is profitable only when customers already know about you. Launching it in parallel with the opening of the plant, you will need serious money both for the facility itself and for its promotion, so this is an option for businessmen with serious investments.

You should also understand that to create your own workshop you will need quite large areas. You will need to place production lines and containers somewhere, organize a warehouse for finished products, staff rooms, and administrative premises. The minimum size for full-fledged work is 250 m2, the desired size is 400 m2 (with an eye to the future and the launch of additional production workshops).

A standard workshop processes 2 tons of milk per day

Choosing equipment

There are two options for selecting equipment:

  1. Purchase a completely finished line. The advantages of this option are balance and the possibility of a quick start. Experienced workers will install it, carry out commissioning work and you can start manufacturing
  2. Purchase equipment separately. This option is more complicated, but if you are well versed in technology, you can choose the optimal equipment in terms of performance and price.

If you don't understand dairy equipment, then choose the first option, and be sure to consult with specialists. You can buy both a new line and a light used one, thanks to which you will save up to 30% from a new one. It’s better, of course, to work on a new one, but if you’re short on budget, a used one is a good option. The equipment produces enough large number companies: American, European, Asian and Russian. We recommend choosing European or Asian - the first is more expensive, but of better quality, the second is cheaper and slightly less quality. American lines are very expensive, and they do not have local offices that will launch the equipment. Russian lines are not of high quality and it is better not to take them.

Let's look at what exactly needs to be in the workshop for it to function:

  1. Cold water supply line. In addition, you will also need hot water - if it is not possible to connect a centralized supply, then you will need to equip a boiler room.
  2. A heating system that will maintain the temperature in the workshops in winter not lower than +10 degrees. Accordingly, if the selected room does not have it, you will have to create it from scratch.
  3. Sewage and ventilation systems with sufficient flow.
  4. Air conditioners for cooling air in industrial premises.
  5. Lines for milk processing, cooling and heating.
  6. Devices that allow you to control the quality of each batch.

In general, the scheme of a mini-dairy plant looks like this:

  1. The room in which raw materials will be received and their primary processing/control.
  2. The workshop in which the milk processing process itself takes place. If you plan to produce several types of products, then it is better to distribute them in different workshops.
  3. Laboratory for taking analyzes and monitoring product quality.
  4. Warehouse and place for shipment of finished products.

A modern full-fledged workshop is capable of processing up to 2 tons of milk per day. Its average cost in 2018 prices is:sanitary-warehouse module (RUB 750,000), production workshop - RUB 5,500,000, change house with bathroom and sanitary inspection station - RUB 600,000, laboratory - RUB 750,000, refrigeration module - RUB 900,000, that is, to create a full-fledged workshop you will need 8, 5 million rubles. This is quite a significant amount, so if you don’t have it, you will have to contact a credit institution or look for sponsors/companions.

A vehicle like this is quite sufficient for transporting raw materials.

We select personnel

So, we looked at the main stages of creating a workshop and listed the equipment you will need. Next, you need to think about who exactly will work for you. Note that in the initial stages you can play the role of a manager, sales manager and even an accountant to save money, but as demand grows you will need to hire specialists. We also note that the optimal operating mode for a dairy plant is three shifts, so that there is no downtime and the equipment operates at full capacity. To work one shift, two workers and one foreman are enough.

Separately, you will need to hire a technologist and a laboratory assistant, but they do not have to work around the clock - a classic one is enough working week. You may need an experienced accountant, but with proper computer skills, you can master the accounting program and refuse this position, at least in the initial stages of development. Next, the question arises of where to get raw materials for processing. It can be purchased from large agricultural holdings, from farmers or from village residents who keep cows. It is best to work with farmers - their milk quality is quite good, they provide the necessary volumes and monitor the health of the animals, while offering the product at affordable prices. Holding companies can also produce high-quality products, but their prices are usually high. Peasants are the most unreliable source, since the quality of their milk varies greatly, and the volumes are small - remember that every day you need at least 2 tons of raw materials for the operation of the enterprise.

Prices for a liter of milk in different regions of Russia range from 12 to 20 rubles. Also the price changes depending on the season. In order to deliver milk every day, you will need a car - there are special trucks with 1-2 cubic meter barrels. You don’t have to buy it, you can simply rent a vehicle with a driver who will make several trips to the farmer or drive through the village, collecting raw materials and bringing them to the workshop. Opening mini dairy plant, you will need to think about how you plan to sell the products. If you deliver it yourself, then you will also need a van, preferably with a thermal body, so that the dairy products do not spoil during the delivery process.

Attention:stores need milk in the morning and early afternoon, so assess your strength soberly. In the evening, retail outlets do not accept milk, although much depends on the area and traffic.

Financial issue

So, we have considered the main stages. Now it's time to move on to financial matters. How to register your company and which taxation system to choose? There are two options: register as an individual entrepreneur or as a company with limited liability. The first option is simpler and faster to complete, but the second is more suitable for such a business, since it opens up wide opportunities for cooperation. So, many large companies simply do not work with individual entrepreneurs, so you will not sign contracts with them. But for working with VAT payers, individual entrepreneurs and 3 personal income taxes are better suited. In a word, think over this issue and study it, so as not to re-register later.

Next, let’s calculate how much you can earn and how quickly your investments will pay off. Let's imagine that our plant will produce 2 thousand liters of milk per day, working in 3 shifts. 60 thousand liters of milk will be produced in a month, the wholesale cost of which in 2018 is 35 rubles per package. 60,000*35=2,100,000 rubles of income will be received by your enterprise. Cost of raw materials - 1,200000 rubles, gross profit - 900,000 rubles. When all expenses and taxes are subtracted, the workshop’s net profit will be approximately 500,000 rubles per month. 8.5/0.5 = 17 - this is how much the investments made will fully pay off. Practice shows that such a figure fully corresponds to reality - the workshop fully pays for itself in one and a half to two years, after which it begins to generate a stable profit.

Attention:We made the calculation solely on the basis of milk, but if you expand the range with kefir, yogurt, cheese, etc., you will be able to recoup the production faster.

Dairy production accounts for 1/3 of the total food supply of the country's agro-industrial complex. Milk and its products are an integral part of the diet of children and adults. Therefore, it is very important to provide them to the population in accordance with consumption standards. A dairy shop or factory can cope with the task. How dairy industry enterprises work, what they produce and what equipment they use, read the article.

dairy industry

To start an enterprise, you need to have well-developed projects for dairy workshops, which will serve as a guarantee that the future plant will comply with all standards. With it, permitting documents can be obtained quickly and without problems.

The objects of the industrial sector of the dairy sector are a whole complex or dairy workshop engaged in the production of relevant products, which include butter, whole and powdered milk, cheeses, ice cream, canned milk and much more. To produce products, the enterprise is equipped with equipment, the selection of which is carried out during the development of the project.

Design tasks

The main thing in design is the maximum use of resources in order to obtain high profits. To do this you need:

  • Determine the range of products and production capacity of the enterprise.
  • Develop a milk processing scheme and select technological processes for its processing for all types of products.
  • Select the necessary engineering and technological equipment to equip the enterprise.

Design by stages

To implement this process, the following work is performed:

  • The design capacity of the enterprise is calculated. The range and volume of products produced is determined.
  • A product calculation is made. Those. the consumption of milk and cream necessary to produce the planned assortment is determined.
  • The technology for producing each type of product is being developed.
  • For each type of product, the necessary equipment for its production is selected.
  • A work schedule for machines and devices is drawn up. It is necessary to calculate resources (water, steam, electricity, cold, compressed air) and design of engineering networks.
  • Engineering, auxiliary, washing and transport equipment is selected taking into account all the requirements for it.
  • A plan for the placement of selected equipment is developed, the main dimensions of production, storage and auxiliary premises are determined, in other words, a diagram of the dairy shop.
  • Requirements are being developed for the finishing of premises, electrical supply, heating and ventilation, cold and heat supply, lighting, fire safety, water supply and sewerage.
  • Carrying out a project for the construction of a new or reconstruction of an existing premises.

When all design stages have been completed, they begin construction of the building or refurbish the old one. While construction is underway, equipment for the dairy shop is being ordered. All that remains is to install it, train the staff and start the work.


To start producing products, you must first equip the dairy shop. The equipment in the complex has several types of different machines and units that perform a specific function. Such a chain of sequentially installed equipment is called a milk processing line. It includes the equipment presented below.

Capacitive equipment

This type of equipment is divided into tanks for receiving and storing milk, capacitive equipment for carrying out thermal and technological processes and auxiliary equipment that ensures the normal operation of technological lines.


Designed for separating milk into cream and skim milk, centrifugal milk purification, as well as for performing other special operations. For example, separating cottage cheese from whey, obtaining high-fat cream, bacterial purification of milk, etc.


Homogenizers are used to crush milk fat globules, which allows the finished product to separate during storage and ensures better absorption of dairy products by the body. Homogenization is mandatory in the production of children's dairy products, fermented milk products, ice cream and some other types of products.

Heat exchange units

These are coolers, heaters, pasteurizers various types. They come in continuous and periodic action. Coolers cool milk or dairy products to increase shelf life. Heaters are used to increase the temperature of the milk mixture to the temperatures of the technological process, for example, fermentation.


The dairy shop must be equipped with pasteurizers. They are part of a milk processing line. Serve to destroy pathogenic microorganisms in raw materials.

This is achieved through heat treatment of milk to temperatures of 75-85 ° C and a certain exposure at this temperature. During pasteurization, products almost completely retain their valuable properties.

Emulsifiers (dispersants)

This type of equipment, which is part of the milk processing line, is designed for mixing various liquid and powdery components and giving them a uniform consistency.

Other production plants

The development of the dairy industry does not stop. Old equipment is being improved and new equipment is being invented. Particularly in demand are installations that produce cottage cheese, cheese, butter, ice cream, and condensed milk. The dairy industry has production lines for the recovery of milk powder.

Any dairy shop is equipped with installations, the use of which helps to comply with sanitary and hygienic requirements. These include installations for automatic centralized washing.

Milk production diagram

The milk production process diagram includes the following operations:

  • Reception of raw materials. The quality of milk received by the dairy enterprise is assessed, its quantity and volume are determined. Then the raw material is pumped from tanks installed on cars into containers for primary milk storage.
  • Milk purification.
  • Normalization, i.e. standardization of milk according to the mass fraction of fat.
  • Preparation of mixtures for milk containing various fillers.
  • Pasteurization.
  • Cooling.
  • Adding vitamins to milk, if produced.
  • Filling into bags, bottles.
  • Marking.
  • Storing finished products in a warehouse.
  • Transportation to destinations.

Modular dairy shop

Milk processing is the most important sector of the economy. Products produced by private firms with small capacities are in great demand. Mini-dairy shops produce pasteurized milk, kefir, sour cream, fermented baked milk, cottage cheese, cheese, butter and much more. Typically, the range of dairy products of such enterprises is small.

For a person who decides to start producing dairy products, it is important that his enterprise is compact and profitable. A modular workshop is ideal for this, which is a building in the form of a container with a heating system, ventilation, water and electricity. There is a production line installed inside, equipped with equipment that allows receiving, processing and producing finished products packaged in individual containers.

The advantage of modular enterprises: factories or workshops is their compactness. Although they are small, they are capable of receiving raw materials, pasteurizing and fermenting them. Here you can produce pasteurized milk, yogurt, kefir, cheese, and cottage cheese. Processes are controlled by a remote control. The modular enterprise can process 500-1000 liters of milk per shift.

Reading time: 9 minutes. Views 107 Published 09.09.2018

Sanctions and the policy of substitution of imported goods are the main reason for the formation of many different empty niches in the food market. One such niche is the production of dairy products. Today there are no producers of high-quality sour cream, cheese and other products on the domestic market. Most entrepreneurs operating in this sector cannot cope with the volume of consumer demands. Based on this information, we can conclude that organizing your own milk processing workshop can bring large profits. In order to get a profitable and prosperous business, an entrepreneur only needs to follow technological rules and control the quality of manufactured products. Below we propose to consider the question of how to open a mini milk processing workshop.

A mini milk processing workshop will bring high profits if you are able to approach the organization of such a business correctly

Opening a mini-factory for milk processing: where to start

Milk is one of the few products that has a positive effect on human body, thanks to high content calcium, vitamins, phosphorus and organic fats. Statistics show that about ninety percent of consumers purchase several liters of milk weekly. It is important to note that the demand for this product does not depend on economic conditions and market conditions. In this market sector there is quite high level competition created by large manufacturing companies.

Proper implementation of the idea of ​​opening your own workshop will allow you to create a competitive enterprise that will bring a stable profit.

Some entrepreneurs specializing in the dairy business manage to cover not only a specific city, but also neighboring areas. In order for the manufactured product to be in demand, it is necessary to carefully control the quality of the manufactured product and use high-quality raw materials. It is important to note that dairy products are purchased daily. This means that the mini dairy plant will not be idle due to lack of demand for the finished batch of goods. There are several important aspects that benefit young entrepreneurs:

  1. Many rural residents living far from large cities often face the problem of selling cow's milk. Not every villager can afford to regularly travel to the city in order to conduct trade. It should also be noted that in villages and villages the demand for dairy products is extremely low, since many local residents have cattle.
  2. The cost of dairy products is constantly growing, despite the gradual decline in the quality of this product. This fact is explained by the fact that there are practically no producers of powdered milk on the domestic market. This product is subject to economic sanctions and is no longer imported into Russia.
  3. Almost everyone dairy product can be recycled. Milk is used to produce kefir, and during the preparation of cheese, whey is released, which is used in other products.

Business registration

Federal and regional authorities provide serious support to entrepreneurs involved in the field agriculture.Work in this direction allows you to receive various benefits and other concessions. Among the benefits provided to entrepreneurs engaged in the dairy business, the following should be highlighted:

  1. Possibility of exemption from paying regional and district taxes.
  2. Possibility of obtaining tax holidays.
  3. Government grants and subsidies.

Milk is a biological product produced by the mammary glands of mammals.

In order to open a mini dairy plant, an entrepreneur will need to obtain many permits. At the stage of the registration procedure, it is very important to wisely choose the organizational form of the future entrepreneur. Creating an individual entrepreneur allows you to significantly reduce organizational costs. However, to work with large quantities of goods, it is better to open a limited liability company. The choice of this organizational form allows you to work without the restrictions that are typical for individual entrepreneurs.

In order to register a business, an entrepreneur needs to obtain permission to conduct trading activities and retail sale of dairy products. In addition, you will need to issue documents permitting the transportation of finished goods. You also need to contact the regional veterinary station and the state examination laboratory to obtain a certificate of product quality. It is important to separately mention that in addition to the products themselves, all containers used for storing and transporting milk must comply with state standards.

Selection of assortment

The acquisition of a complete production line for organizing a mini-factory will allow the production of products such as sour cream, butter, cream, cottage cheese and yogurt. For each of the above products, you will need to develop unique packaging that will meet all modern standards. Depending on the size of the budget and the area of ​​the workshop, an entrepreneur can purchase additional equipment to create a line for the production of condensed and powdered milk. You can dilute the assortment with the help of curds and sweet cheeses with various fillings.

Equipment purchase

Today, domestic production companies offer budding entrepreneurs to purchase a ready-made workshop for processing milk and dairy products. The finished line is based on three separate components. The household module contains various units that are used during the production process. The laboratory module consists of various equipment necessary to check the quality of manufactured products. The third module is a warehouse where the finished batch of goods will be stored. Such production lines can process about two thousand liters of milk during one cycle.

All of the above modules are united by a common technological scheme. The purchase of a ready-made line allows you to organize the production of pasteurized milk, yogurt, fermented baked milk, cottage cheese, kefir and sour cream. It is important to note that purchasing a turnkey mini plant allows you to save significantly cash. In addition, an entrepreneur who purchases a ready-made production line has the opportunity to begin work immediately after delivery and connection of the modules. Independent acquisition of equipment is a very complex process, since it is necessary to take into account all the features of the selected processing technology.

Typically, a milk processing plant is an enterprise where the product is pasteurized, fermented milk products, mayonnaise, sour cream, margarine are prepared.


As a rule, mini factories specializing in milk processing operate production process continuously. In order to establish continuous operation, the entrepreneur will need to hire ten workers who will work in shifts (eight hours each). To operate the above production line, two workers and one foreman are enough. In addition, you will need to hire a laboratory assistant and a technologist who will undertake quality control of manufactured goods.

Some entrepreneurs, in addition to the plant itself, create a farmstead for breeding cows. In this case, you will need to hire workers who will care for livestock and milkmaids. Creating your own farmstead involves a significant increase in costs, but all investments will quickly pay off.

Raw material base

When opening a mini milk processing plant, an entrepreneur needs to decide in advance on the suppliers of raw materials. In order to start work immediately after registering a business, it is recommended to pre-select suppliers and agree on a contract. As practice shows, the reliability of the supplier and the quality of the raw material base have a direct impact on the profitability of the business.

When choosing a specific supplier, you need to take into account the distance between the counterparty’s farm and the plant itself. Long distances can significantly increase transport costs, which will negatively affect the final cost of products. You can purchase raw materials both from various peasant farms and from village residents. It is important to note that the cost of dairy products depends on the season. As a rule, the cost of raw materials is significantly lower in the summer months. An entrepreneur can also independently engage in cattle breeding in order to obtain raw materials.

It should be separately noted that before concluding a contract with a specific supplier, it is very important to study all available veterinary certificates confirming the quality of the products offered. Situations are often observed when the resulting raw materials contain a dangerous infection. The use of such raw materials can significantly degrade the quality of the final product or make it unsuitable for use. Another important point related to the purchase of raw materials – delivery volumes. When concluding a contract with one supplier, it is very important to obtain guarantees that the selected counterparty will be able to satisfy all the needs of the dairy plant.

The taste and characteristics of the final product largely depend on the quality of the raw materials.

Sales market

In order for the established enterprise to bring stable and high profits, it is very important to competently organize the sale of finished products. For this purpose, you need to establish cooperation with several retail outlets that sell food products. In addition, an entrepreneur can create his own point specializing in the sale of dairy products. However, experts in this area do not recommend beginners to open their own retail chains. This step can significantly increase the cost item and bring many additional problems.

According to statistics, the majority of modern consumers prefer to purchase food products in large retail outlets. This fact explains the low relevance of stores specializing in one product category. In order to get a stable sales market, it is very important to find partners among the owners of large supermarkets. This stage is very important to consider when creating a business plan. Otherwise, unclaimed products will go to waste, which will negatively affect the profitability of the plant.

Tax issue

The business plan of a dairy plant must necessarily contain a solution to the issue related to the choice of one of the available tax regimes. By registering a limited liability company, an entrepreneur has the opportunity to use special tax calculation regimes. In this case, you can use a simplified tax payment system, where the amount tax base is fifteen percent of net income.

An entrepreneur can also register an individual entrepreneur and choose the “3 personal income tax” tax form. Using this form allows you to establish cooperation with counterparties working on VAT.

Business payback

In order to calculate the rate of return on business, it is necessary to determine the amount of initial costs and monthly expenses. Ready-made dairy equipment in the form of a modular workshop costs from eight to ten million rubles. To this amount you need to add transportation costs, the cost of installing a foundation and installing utilities. The total amount of organizational costs can exceed fifteen million rubles.

More than one million will be needed to purchase office furniture, computers, office equipment and raw materials. In addition, you need to consider the costs of wages hired workers.

The average statistical profit of a dairy plant is more than two million rubles. Most of this amount must be redirected to purchase new raw materials, pay taxes, wages and utility bills. The amount of net profit varies from five hundred to six hundred thousand per month. Based on the above, we can conclude that the payback period for this project will be about two and a half years. After this period, the created enterprise will begin to generate a profit of half a million rubles.

A milk processing plant is subject to constant inspections by regulatory authorities

Conclusions (+ video)

Organizing a small plant specializing in milk processing is one of the most difficult types of business. In order to implement such a project, a large capital investment will be required to provide a production workshop. However, a competent approach to the implementation of a business plan allows you to make a profit of one million rubles. This means that opening a dairy plant is a highly profitable business that brings a stable income.

Milk production has changed a lot in recent years. Milkmaids no longer need to milk each cow separately - the entire process is automated. After receiving, the product is processed in a special way to get rid of possible infections. Quality controllers check the products, then they are packaged and delivered to the consumer.

Most often, the processes of obtaining raw materials and producing the final product take place at different factories. Milk is the main raw material obtained from cows on farms. It is normalized or passed through a separator and another product is obtained - cream. Milk and cream are delivered to production for the production of dairy products. Raw materials are checked for quality. Particular attention is paid to the composition - quantity:

Technological process of milk production

  • proteins;
  • fats;
  • carbohydrates;
  • other substances.

Smell and taste are also assessed - there should not be:

  • chemical impurities;
  • sharp tastes of onion, wormwood, garlic.

Next, the milk is purified and cooled. Separator and filter machines are used for this purpose. Gauze or polyethylene fabric is used as filters, which is changed periodically. The product is cooled with ice or water. At the same time, cream is added to the milk to bring the fat percentage to the desired value.

The pasteurization process is an important stage of production, as it helps protect consumers from infections and bacteria. To do this, the liquid is heated to a temperature of 65–90 degrees. The higher the temperature, the less time it takes to pasteurize. It is important that the milk does not change color, taste, smell or consistency during the process. In Russia, raw materials are most often pasteurized for 30 minutes at 65 degrees in baths with a volume of 300–600 liters. Milk is fed in a thin stream between the heated plates, so it heats up quickly. After this, it is immediately cooled between plates of cold water.

The last stage is packaging in plastic bags, bottles or cardboard boxes. The machine puts the production date and expiration date on the packaging. Dairy products are sent to stores.

Organic milk production

The production of pasteurized milk is not considered environmentally friendly. Against the backdrop of the popularization of a healthy lifestyle, farmers began to produce organic milk.

The first thing you need for this is ecological livestock farming. A large pasture is allocated for the cows. They are not kept locked up, but are allocated spacious camps. Farmers carefully monitor the nutrition of their animals. It is important that 70% of the feed is environmentally friendly.

To produce organic dairy products, the growth and productivity of cows cannot be stimulated with chemicals and hormones. To extend the shelf life of products, no chemical preservatives are used, only salt and lemon juice. Packaging for dairy products should also be made from environmentally friendly materials.

Production of fermented milk products

Fermented milk products include:

  • yogurt;
  • kefir;
  • fermented baked milk;
  • bifidocus;
  • "Snowball"

All of them are produced on the basis of a milk base and special fungi.

The production of fermented milk products begins with heat treatment of milk. It is fermented and cooled in special tanks. Kefir matures for some time, then it is bottled and sent to stores. During the ripening process, kefir acquires a specific taste that distinguishes it from yogurt.

Yoghurts today are made from milk powder to save on raw materials. They add flavorings, thickeners and sweeteners. Producing natural yogurt without additives is a costly process; only organic product manufacturers do this.

Equipment for dairy production

To produce milk, machines, baths and large containers for storing dairy products are used. The products undergo cleaning, normalization, pasteurization, and packaging. Each operation has its own complexes.

The pasteurization line includes equipment for:

Equipment in a dairy shop

  • reception;
  • cooling;
  • processing;
  • storage;
  • transportation.

Storage is carried out in stainless steel containers for food production. The leading complex consists of separators, filters, and coolers. Raw materials are pumped between technological operations using pumps.

The main hardware circuit includes:

  • heaters;
  • separators;
  • pasteurizers;
  • coolers;
  • storage containers.

Milk is sold in plastic or cardboard containers. Filling and packaging machines are responsible for packaging. Delivery to stores is carried out in trucks with insulated bodies.

What is profitable to produce from dairy products?

All dairies start by producing milk and cream. These products do not require additional investments, large complexes, a minimum of equipment is sufficient. They supply milk to stores with varying fat contents.

To expand the range of dairy products, sour cream and cottage cheese are suitable. These products do not require additional costs as they can be obtained from the separator. In order for milk to curdle into cottage cheese, it is fermented with acidic microorganisms, and then brought to the desired fat content with cream.

The production of concentrate - milk powder or cream - is another direction that entrepreneurs choose for their plant. They can be sold at retail, but this is not very profitable. It is much more profitable to look for wholesale clients who produce other food products from them. Powdered milk is obtained from a low-fat product, and dry cream is obtained from full-fat milk.

A popular way to expand production is to produce other dairy products:

  • children's cheese;
  • curds;
  • yoghurts;
  • fermented baked milk;
  • kefir;
  • ice cream.

If equipment for the production of dry cream has already been purchased, you can also produce condensed milk. Before spraying into a dry product, the milk goes through a thickening stage, this can be used to produce another product.

The technological scheme for the production of dairy products allows us to expand the range and introduce new products to the market. This will allow the company to constantly grow and enter new regions and countries.

Costs and income from dairy production

There are several all-Russian giants in the dairy products market that are difficult to compete with. But you can always occupy a regional niche, always supplying fresh products to your region.

The entry threshold to this market is quite high, since the cost of equipment is high. The quality standards are also high and several checks must be passed before entering the market.

Approximate costs of starting a business:

  • workshop rent 200 sq. m – 140,000 rubles;
  • production line – 5.5 million rubles;
  • warehouse – 1 million rubles;
  • employee salary – 360,000 rubles.

Costs are indicated for production only, excluding farming with cows. The plant needs the following workers: director, accountant, technologist, foremen, workers. In this case, the enterprise will operate in 3 shifts.

The plant can produce 1,500 liters of milk per day. Raw materials are purchased at 12 rubles per liter, and finished products are sold at 35 rubles per liter. Under these conditions, you can earn 1 million rubles per month. After deducting expenses, net profit will be 500,000 rubles. Business payback – 1 year. The most profitable way for a dairy plant is to enter international markets. Dry concentrates are especially valued abroad. 1 ton of raw materials costs $4,000–5,000 there, and 4,000–5,000 rubles in Russia.

In this material:

A business plan for milk production includes cost calculations for initial stage, current investments, provides for the development of profitable business in a private economy. The symbiosis of the livestock farming and milk processing industries requires specific knowledge and a thorough analysis of the sales market.

Milk and dairy products form the basis of the diet of both rural and urban residents. Development chemical industry allowed large enterprises to reduce the cost of products by replacing natural components with artificial ones (by introducing additives). In addition, processing and packaging methods that extend the shelf life of milk negatively affect the taste.

In large cities it is not easy to purchase natural milk, the number of cattle on collective farms is declining, so the development of private business is a promising direction that guarantees income. Starting investments depend on the planned scale: the number of cows, the presence/absence of premises in which the farm and dairy production will be located, equipment, and the number of employees.

Business Description

The principle of organizing a farm is to purchase animals and feed, followed by the sale of milk and dairy products wholesale and retail.

Important! Alternatively, you can limit yourself to purchasing processing equipment and use imported milk (buy from private farms). Your own farm requires the creation of conditions for keeping cows and calves.

Product range

Whole milk becomes the basis for trade, however, some investments will expand this modest list:

  1. Sour cream.
  2. Cottage cheese.
  3. Natural yoghurts.
  4. Cream.
  5. Butter.

If space and money allow, you can purchase machines for producing powdered and condensed milk, dry cream, cheesecakes, and curds. Buttermilk and whey, integral components of the process, are no less in demand among the population.


The location directly depends on the direction of activity and the scale of the business.

  • An owner who plans to raise cows and process their own milk should focus on the countryside. In the village you can find a suitable ready-made building for a cowshed, and equip a processing plant in the immediate vicinity;
  • if we are talking only about processing, then the industrial zone on the outskirts of the city is a suitable place for construction, purchase, or rental.

The premises must have a water supply, heating and electricity supply, ventilation, sewerage and meet the requirements of sanitary standards. Installation of a fire extinguishing and alarm system will be required. Large-scale production will require warehouse equipment with refrigeration units.

The area of ​​the barn depends on the number of livestock and how they are kept. Staff must be able to freely approach animals, feed and clean stalls. The equipment is stored in a utility room.

Required equipment

Making a list necessary equipment, you need to start from whether the business will be built on your own keeping of cows or on the purchase and processing of someone else's products.

  1. Own livestock. For keeping and servicing 2-4 cows, a regular barn with an insulated floor and walls is suitable. Automated milking machines will cost, on average, $450 per unit. A large barn for a large herd is easier to order on a turnkey basis; it requires investment, compliance with sanitary standards, and independent organization will take time, nerves and money.
  2. If we are talking only about milk, then we need equipment for collecting and processing, as well as separators, butter churns, yogurt makers and other units, depending on the product being manufactured. You might think about a packaging line for milk, kefir, fermented baked milk, and cream. Production on an industrial scale will justify the purchase of a modular workshop that can process up to 40 tons per day. With the help of such a mini-factory, it is possible to clean, cool, store and package milk, and obtain fermented milk products from it; There are warehouses for storage and living quarters for workers. When fully loaded, the purchase of a mini-workshop takes 6-10 months.


The milk processing workshop operates without breaks or weekends (which is especially important if you have your own cows), so the work is organized in shifts (3 shifts of 8 hours each) - a master and 2 workers (minimum) to service the equipment. On weekdays, a technologist and laboratory assistant must work to analyze manufactured products.

On small private farmsteads, all functions - milkmaid, cow care workers, processor and seller - can be performed by 1 person or a married couple. Such work is hard, but the revenue will be much higher if you do not divide it among several people. High turnover (from 500 kg per day) requires rational organization of the technological process.

Raw materials

The issue of raw materials does not arise if the farmer keeps cows; in other cases, it is necessary to take care of stable purchases from the population, state or private farms.

Sales market

You need to think in advance about who will buy tasty but perishable dairy products. A small amount of kefir, milk, cottage cheese can be sold privately: on the market, under certain agreements in the nearest locality.

Large turnovers require concluding agreements with stores and supermarkets. Milk must be packaged in accordance with the requirements of the SES and accompanied by all necessary documents.


For delivery you will need a refrigerator; you can buy your own (if funds allow) or rent.


It is necessary to choose a taxation system. With a simplified system, this is 6% of turnover or 15% of profit.

Government support industry

Financial plan, expenses, prices

Detailed calculations can be found in the appendix below, or you can order an individual plan.

Profitability and payback

If you do not take into account the construction of a barn and keeping animals, the purchase of a ready-made modular workshop, preparation of documentation, installation of communications, arrangement of the adjacent territory will cost from $250 thousand. It's about on the organization of a full-scale production module aimed at producing a wide range of products.

Monthly expenses include utility bills, wages, fuel costs and, in fact, the purchase of raw materials (if you don’t have your own).

The state invests in small businesses and allocates funds. A business at full capacity pays for itself within a year.

Milk production and processing – profitable business, but it is advisable to start it in the case where there is a prospect of uninterrupted sales.

A small private farm “takes” its client with fresh natural products. But it is quite difficult to compete with large holdings and processing plants by offering your own little-known products that have undergone the same processing.

Order a business plan

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