It would be fair to say that for the first time Belarusians began to look closely at maple syrup thanks to cinema. How many films where the characters generously pour a portion of pancakes on them for breakfast! Can't count. Fortunately, today this amazing product, given to the world by ancient Indian tribes who once lived in the territory of modern Canada, is available throughout the world. And in Minsk, it is increasingly offered as a topping not only for pancakes, but also for ice cream and other desserts. Let’s figure out the benefits and harms of this sweet “seasoning” and learn how to choose real maple syrup.

Maple syrup is made from sugar-rich maple sap (sugar, black, red), which is collected early spring(between February and April). Trees suitable for sweet production grow only in some regions of North America: New York, Vermont, Nova Scotia, Quebec, Nebraska.

Fresh maple sap is clear and does not have a distinct taste. The syrup's characteristic aroma, deep amber color and caramel taste appear during the process of boiling the water. Initially, maple sap consists of approximately 96% water, so to make 1 liter maple syrup up to 40 liters of juice is required. To get the syrup to the desired thickness, evaporation requires a significant amount of time.

By Canadian standards, maple syrup must be at least 66% sugar. We are talking exclusively about the sugar that remains in the syrup after the maple sap has evaporated. No other sugar, as well as preservatives, fillers, or other “synthetics” are used to make real maple syrup. Its main component is sucrose.

The hallmark of real maple syrup is its mild, woody flavor. Its consistency is close to fresh natural honey– transparent (translucent), thick and viscous. Depending on the degree of density and transparency, it is conventionally divided into Canadian and American (Vermont) syrup. Almost all maple sap is extracted in Canada and the USA, with the latter accounting for no more than 10%.


Many doctors come to the conclusion that in terms of its beneficial properties this product can even be compared with honey.

According to the latest research by American scientists, Canadian maple syrup contains 54 antioxidants and beneficial microelements. The chemical composition of maple syrup includes B vitamins, as well as minerals: calcium, phosphorus, potassium, iron, zinc, etc. The antioxidants of this wonderful product are similar to those found in tomatoes, berries, red wine, whole wheat and flax seeds.

In addition, maple syrup can be called a leader among other foods consumed by humans in terms of the amount of calcium and potassium stored in it. Just ¼ cup of maple syrup contains more calcium than the same amount of whole milk and a dose of potassium comparable to bananas.

It is also known that maple syrup contains 5 substances that scientists have never encountered in the natural environment until now. Of these five elements, Quebecol stands out especially, which has a sweet taste, but does not belong to carbohydrates, but to the phenolic group of compounds. Which in turn can be useful for people suffering from diabetes.

Thanks to a whole range of useful substances, maple syrup:

  • has a positive effect on the functioning of the cardiovascular system;
  • helps fight cancer and cardiovascular diseases;
  • strengthens the immune system;
  • prevents the development of atherosclerosis;
  • reduces the risk of diabetes mellitus;
  • increases potency.

An important advantage of the product over other sweets (including brown sugar, stevia, agave syrup and even honey) is that it contains an extremely low amount of oxalates and purines, so it does not cause food allergies.

The harm that maple syrup can cause can only be attributed to individual intolerance and excess in food.


The biggest challenge for the uninformed consumer is distinguishing natural syrup from sugared imitations, which are typically made from corn with a little maple syrup or artificial maple essence added. They are made almost entirely of unhealthy high fructose corn syrup. These imitation products are illegally called "maple syrup" and do not contain the beneficial properties of the real natural product. Moreover, counterfeits are found in both the USA and Canada.

There are several criteria by which you can choose high-quality maple syrup:

Pay attention to its consistency and color. The syrup should be transparent or translucent, without any cloudiness, and have a medium oiliness.

Choose syrup that is made in Canada. The purity and authenticity of Canadian maple syrup is monitored at the government level by the Canadian Food Inspection Agency. On all products produced in compliance with the technology, you can find a golden maple leaf - a guarantor of quality and that the product is truly made in Canada.

An important point: if the label says that it was produced in Canada, but is packaged in another country under the brand of a non-Canadian company, it is not a Canadian product. In this case, Canada no longer bears any responsibility for the quality and composition of this maple syrup.

Pay attention to the cost of maple syrup. Natural syrup is expensive - no less than $70 per liter.

The lighter the syrup, the more delicate its taste and subtler the aroma. Canada has adopted a special classification system for maple syrup: it is divided into three groups. Group Canada #1, which is considered the best, includes light syrups and is divided into Extra Light (very light), Light (light and light) and Medium (medium, the most popular due to its richness). Group Canada #2(mainly used in cooking) includes syrups of a darker Amber color (amber, tart and viscous). Group Canada #3(has a strong thick taste and is used almost exclusively as a commercial sweetener) - the darkest. Maple syrup grades are based solely on the syrup's ability to transmit light. The higher the degree of clarity, the higher the grade of maple syrup.

The most meticulous buyers should pay attention to the density indicator. In 100% natural maple syrup, the volume to net weight ratio should average 1:1.32.

Don't be fooled by labels like "100% organic." Maple syrups, by definition, are organic products because the maple trees that provide them grow naturally without the use of pesticides. And even the corn syrup that is added to the fakes is also a 100% natural product.


In Minsk, Canadian maple syrup can be found in online stores specializing in the sale of organic products. However, from experience we can say that not everywhere it is possible to familiarize yourself with the composition.

To avoid fakes, it’s better to go to the store and carefully examine the bottles of syrup yourself. Canadian syrups are available in the Corona shopping center, BIGGZ, Preston and Green hypermarkets, as well as in stores at United Company gas stations.

Sources:,,, Photo: by Google search.

Maple syrup is a natural sweetener obtained from the sap of the sugar maple tree, as well as several other species of this tree. All of them mainly grow in Canada and the USA. Maple syrup can be used both independently and as an ingredient in the preparation of various dishes, for example, meat (for caramelization), sauces, baked goods, etc. It is often added to pancakes and ice cream.

About the sweetener: past and present

This sweetener has been obtained from maple sap by Native American peoples since ancient times. It was the Indians who showed the first European settlers how to extract it from trees. In general, the technology for collecting maple sap is similar to collecting birch sap. It is collected from January to April, when the days are already warm and there are still frosts at night. At this time, the trees release especially a lot of sap.

The maple sap is then boiled down to a syrup. Since the water content in the juice is high, this is a long process, taking more than one hour. To obtain 1 liter of syrup, you need to extract approximately 40 liters of maple sap.

The most major manufacturer maple syrup is Canada. Moreover, 80% of this sweetener on the world market comes from the Canadian province of Quebec, and a special state commission monitors the quality of the syrup. No wonder the symbol of Canada is the sugar maple leaf.

The United States ranks second in the amount of maple syrup produced. Conventionally, maple syrup is divided into Canadian and American. These are almost identical products, differing slightly in transparency and density. Also, high quality maple syrup is produced in Europe and Russia, but in much smaller quantities.

The complex production process causes the high cost of maple syrup. This, in turn, entails large number products that imitate this sweetener. They are made primarily from corn syrup with added coloring and are much cheaper than the original. To avoid analogues, before purchasing, you must carefully read the composition indicated on the label.

Properties of maple syrup

According to the USDA food database agriculture USA), located on the website, maple syrup mainly consists of sugar and water (38% and 32%, respectively). Plus it contains a small percentage of fructose and glucose, as well as trace elements and vitamins in small quantities.

Maple syrup tastes as sweet as sugar. It has a unique aroma, pleasant taste and beautiful color - from light golden to rich amber. Maple syrup is slightly less viscous than honey.

The glycemic index of maple syrup is average (equal to 54). This means that the sweetener, although more slowly, increases blood glucose and is not recommended for people with diabetes. Maple syrup is also not suitable for a diet for those who are struggling with obesity, since this sweetener is quite high in calories.

There are several types of maple syrup, which differ from each other in color and substance content. The darkest ones are harvested later in time and are usually added to baked goods. It has a richer taste and aroma. Light is used as a table sweetener.

Comparison of maple syrup with sugar and honey

Properties Sugar Maple syrup Honey
Sweetness factor 1 1 1.1
Calorie content per 100 g 398 241 400
Glycemic index 100 54 80
Heat treatment possible possible possible, but this destroys beneficial substances that are present in small quantities in honey
Negative effect on teeth Yes Yes Yes

Benefits of maple syrup

Maple syrup does not have medicinal or antiseptic properties and is used in food only as a sweetener. However, maple syrup has a number of beneficial properties:

  • considered a non-allergenic product;
  • glycemic index lower than sugar;
  • Calorie content is half that of sugar;
  • contains a large number of antioxidants in various concentrations;
  • is a source of beneficial minerals and B vitamins.

One tablespoon of maple syrup contains:

  1. manganese - 0.7 mg
  2. zinc - 0.8 mg
  3. calcium - 13.4 mg
  4. potassium - 40.8 mg
  5. iron - 0.2 mg
  6. magnesium - 2.8 mg

Sweetener harm

First of all, you need to remember that maple syrup contains a lot of sucrose, that is, regular sugar. And this covers up the benefits and entails all the same problems with excessive use:

  • risk of developing diabetes
  • metabolic disorders
  • obesity
  • tooth decay
  • cardiovascular and other diseases

Therefore, maple syrup should be counted as part of your daily refined sugar intake. The permissible daily intake, which is recommended by WHO, is 50 g of sugar per 70 kg of weight. Is 50 grams of sugar too much? No, just 5 heaped teaspoons. In addition, the possibility of reducing this norm by half is being considered. And, in general, this applies to all sugars, including maple syrup.

It is important to remember that added sugars are found in almost all food products industrially produced. Most people don't even realize how much added sugar they unknowingly eat every day - in the most ordinary foods. Of course, it’s no secret that sugar is found in sweet soda and confectionery. But there is also a lot of it in seemingly non-sweet foods: bread, semi-finished meat products, sausage, milk, canned corn, sauces and marinades. The list goes on and on.

Thus, consuming maple syrup in moderation will not harm your body as long as you keep sugar in your diet to a minimum.

Lemonade diet with maple syrup

This diet is called The Master Cleanser. It is called “Lemonade” because to lose weight you need to drink a special drink made from citrus fruits, pepper and maple syrup, that is, lemonade. The diet was developed in 1940 in the USA by healer Stanley Burroughs to cleanse the body and treat diseases. digestive system. But it turned out that drinking lemonade also contributed to rapid weight loss.

This effect brought great fame to the technique - it is still popular today. Even show business stars use the diet in cases where it is necessary to lose weight before an important event. In addition, the lemonade diet rids the body of toxins, saturates it with antioxidants, improves the color and condition of the skin, and normalizes overall well-being.

Preparing for the diet takes several days, during which you need to gradually remove complex and thermally processed foods from your diet. Allowed to be eaten raw vegetables and fruits. The day before starting the diet, you need to switch to freshly squeezed orange juice.

Then you need to drink lemonade for 3-10 days, preparing it according to this recipe:

  1. freshly squeezed lemon juice- 2 tbsp. l.
  2. natural maple syrup - 2 tbsp. l.
  3. crushed cayenne pepper - a pinch
  4. water - 250 ml

You can drink from 6 to 12 glasses of the drink per day, alternating them with green tea and mineral water. Every morning you need to drink a glass of slightly salted water, and in the evening before going to bed, take tea with a laxative effect.

Maple syrup is a must good quality, because it is he who will saturate the body with the necessary microelements and energy. Cayenne pepper is responsible for accelerating metabolism.

It is important to gradually introduce complex and processed foods into your diet over three days. After the diet, it is recommended to take probiotics to restore the microflora washed out of the intestines during the cleansing process.

As a result of the lemonade diet, up to 10 kg of weight is lost. True, after a diet you should reconsider your eating habits, because without changes in diet overweight will return to its previous level again. And first of all, you need to give up sugar.

Increase literacy - choose products without added sugars. Instead of sugar, use effective analogues that will allow you to enjoy the sweet taste without harm to your health and figure. You can find information about various sweeteners on our website.

Today, a product such as maple syrup is very popular. The demand for it is growing rapidly among people who lead healthy image life and watch their weight. In our article we will tell you how it is made and what the benefits are.

What, how and where are they made from?

For the production of syrup they use sweet sap from maple trees, which grow almost all over the globe. But, since maple syrup is a traditional Canadian delicacy, about 80% of the products are produced in Canada.

The delicacy production technology consists of several stages:

  1. Collection of raw materials. In order to extract sap, in spring, select trees with a trunk of at least 20 cm and swollen buds, drill a hole in it, insert a tube through which the sap will slowly flow into the container.
  2. Then the liquid is necessary boil so that it becomes thicker, while the plant juice will evaporate from it.

Typically, sap from trees of the Sapindra family is used to make syrup. It includes black, sugar and red maple.

Important! When collecting sap, you need to make a hole in the tree not exceeding 5 cm in diameter. Otherwise, the product will have a slightly different, worse quality.

The resulting product can be different colors - from light gold to dark amber. The shade depends on exactly when the juice was collected. The later the collection was carried out, the darker the product will be. The dark variety has a pronounced aroma, so it is more often used for cooking. But light varieties are more often used directly as syrup (it is this type that is most often poured over pancakes).

Video: How to make maple syrup

Calorie content and chemical composition

Calorie content of 100 ml of maple syrup is 260 kcal.

The same amount of product contains:

  • - 0.066 mg;
  • - 1.27 mg;
  • - 1.6 mg;
  • - 0.036 mg;
  • - 0.002 mg;
  • - 0.81 mg.

In addition, regular consumption of maple syrup helps the body receive many useful minerals that affect the level of “bad” and “good” cholesterol in the blood.

For the male genitourinary system

It has been noted that with a low level of zinc in the prostate, the risk of prostate cancer increases significantly. That is why doctors recommend that men consume maple syrup, as it reduces the size of the gland and acts as a catalyst for fatty acids and cholesterol levels, and is also directly involved in the production of sex hormones.

For brain activity

According to research, maple syrup can be used to prevent neurodegenerative diseases, in particular Alzheimer's disease.

As a result of consuming the product, the fusion of two types of proteins present in the brain stops. When they are connected incorrectly, plaque is formed, which provokes the development of Alzheimer's disease and other brain diseases. Thanks to regular consumption of the aromatic liquid, tangling and the appearance of this plaque does not occur.

For skin

Maple syrup is also used to maintain healthy skin. When applied to the skin, you can get rid of inflammation, redness, blemishes and dryness. Recipes are also used that, in addition to syrup, include components such as raw, raw. Applying such a mask to the skin perfectly moisturizes it, reduces the number of bacteria and eliminates irritation.

Is it possible

Let's consider when a product can benefit the human body and when it can cause harm.

During pregnancy

It can be consumed, but in limited quantities. It is recommended to consult with your doctor before introducing this product into your diet. In moderation, the zinc contained in the syrup will promote protein absorption.

When breastfeeding

During the period, a young mother can treat herself to a small amount of maple syrup. It contains natural sugars that will act as a sweetener for milk, and at the same time, beneficial minerals will enter the baby’s body with them. However, it is worth remembering that you should start introducing the product into your diet gradually, while observing the baby’s reaction.

For diabetes

Despite the fact that the composition includes glucose, fructose and sucrose, it can be used to prevent type 2 diabetes mellitus even if it is already diagnosed. The fact is that the product contains a high concentration of abscisic acid, which stimulates the secretion of insulin and increases sensitivity to it in fat cells.

For gastritis

Since the syrup contains unrefined sugars, it can be used as a sweetener for gastritis. Of course, you should not use this product too often, especially as an independent unit, but as an ingredient in dishes it will not harm your health.

Use in cooking: where to add it, what to eat with it

The most common method of using natural sweetener is as a gravy for pancakes and pancakes.
It goes perfectly with flour products, and at the same time will not affect the figure of those with a sweet tooth, since it does not contain refined sugars.

Important! The opinion that syrup neutralizes the effect of regular sugar is wrong: these products cannot be used together, as a large amount of glucose enters the body, which can adversely affect health.

In addition, maple syrup is used to prepare meat and fish marinades, icing for confectionery, and gravy for ice cream.
He can be wonderful sugar substitute if you want to drink

Video: recipe for making pancakes with maple syrup

How to choose a quality product when purchasing

Unfortunately, due to the high cost of natural maple syrup, you can often find fakes on store shelves. If you find a corn composition on the label, as well as maple tree extracts, you should know that this is not a natural product, but a cheap substitute.

The original syrup has a translucent color and should not be cloudy. Its normal color is light or dark amber. The consistency should be thick, slightly oily, reminiscent of honey.

Storage conditions

If the product is sealed, it can be stored for several years at room temperature. If the container has been opened, then you need to pour it into a plastic or glass container, close it tightly with a lid and place it in the refrigerator. If you decide to store the product at room temperature, choose dry, dark places. Storing syrup in the freezer is prohibited.

Shelf life in the refrigerator is 3-6 months.

Can it harm

Real maple syrup contains no dyes, preservatives, or flavors, so it has almost no contraindications. It can harm a person only if there is individual intolerance. However, despite its harmless composition, you should not abuse the product.

Did you know? To get 100 g of syrup, you need to boil 3-4 kg of maple sap.

Maple syrup is a popular, tasty and healthy sweet additive, which is actively used both for the prevention of various diseases and as an ingredient for preparing many dishes. Moderate consumption of this product will improve your health and enjoy its unsurpassed taste.

The product is produced mainly in Canada. And, of course, Canadians simply adore their national delicacy. Use it with pancakes, fruits, fresh vegetables and ice cream. And it is made from sugar maple sap by evaporation. To get at least a liter of product, you will have to send up to 50 liters of juice for processing. In color, it can turn out amber, dark and even light. It should be stored in a dark and fairly cool place.

History of appearance

There are many varieties of maple. And only a few of them can be used to produce maple syrup. This product was first mentioned in ancient books dating back to 1760.

They are talking about maple trees that grow in Canada. That it produces a refreshing juice suitable for sugar production. But at the same time with this same information, there is a statement that long before the discovery of the American continent, the indigenous Indians used maple sap.

But in the 18th century, changes occurred in sugar production: they began to grow sugar cane in large quantities, from which it is easier and of course cheaper to produce sugar. Nevertheless, this maple syrup continues to be made, although in small quantities, and not only in Canada.

Back in the USSR, research was carried out on the production of a similar product from Norway maple, which grows in the Leningrad region, in the Republic of Tatarstan and Bashkiria.

Maple syrup - what and how is it made from in Canada?

Real maple syrup is made in Canada. This product, like the tree itself, are symbols of this country and several other states in the United States. The maple leaf is used as a national emblem; everyone has probably seen the image of a leaf on the uniform of the Canadian hockey team.

Maple for real syrup grows only in America, or rather in its northern part. The sap was originally collected and used by the continent's indigenous people. A little later, European settlers joined them and they began to actively improve methods of extracting and processing the product.

But not a single gram of granulated sugar was used in production, and this continues to this day. On average, 40 liters of sap can make 1 liter of maple syrup.

Currently, 80 percent of the syrup is produced in the province of Quebec, which is located in Canada. Exports of this product amount to more than $145 million per year. Conventionally, syrup can be divided into an American product and a traditionally Canadian one. By the way, special supervision by the state has been established over the authenticity of the latter.

Maple sap is collected in the earliest spring, that is, the collection begins at the end of January and ends in April. This period is conventionally called the “crying of plants.” We can observe the same period in our country in the example of birches, white and Norway maples.

Harvesting begins during the period of bud swelling, when daytime temperatures rise above zero and drop below zero at night. It is at this time that the maple gives off a large amount of sweet sap.

But the best time comes in March, when the maple produces its sweetest sap. To collect raw materials in the maple trunk, you need to drill a hole of small depth from 2 to 5 cm, with a diameter of about 1.5 cm. Then insert a special tube into the hole, through which the juice will flow into the placed containers.

After which the resulting liquid is evaporated, it thickens and turns into syrup. The product is evaporated on flat and fairly large surfaces, which are heated to a certain temperature.

How sweets are made in Russia

In our country, syrup is produced in the Leningrad region. The manufacturing method is not at all different from the Canadian version. Raw materials are extracted from maples growing in Russia.

In total, we have about 25 varieties: holly, Tatarian, Manchurian, yellow, white, green-winged, light, field, etc. From the sap of these trees, raw materials for the Russian product are obtained.

Benefits and harms

Perhaps no other syrup has been devoted to so many articles. None causes so much controversy about its usefulness and perceived harm. After all, it is a healthy alternative to regular sugar and jam.

According to experts, the product is healthy, just like natural honey, but it has an obvious advantage - it contains less sweetness, and therefore less sugar. The maple product boasts a set of vitamins, minerals, magnesium, calcium, iron, sodium, phosphorus, and antioxidants.

Entire articles are devoted to the medicinal properties of this product, and modern doctors recommend it as effective remedy for the prevention of many diseases. Such as atherosclerosis, liver and pancreas diseases, metabolic disorders and heart problems.

It is no coincidence that maple syrup is so actively used all over the world. It is really useful for all people, except for allergy sufferers and those on a diet. Others harmful effects not detected on the body.

Use in cooking

For Canadians, maple syrup is a special source of pride. It is eaten with baked goods, ice cream, waffles, cheesecakes, pancakes, fruit salads, with any desserts, used in the preparation of various sauces, main courses, in cooking instead of sugar, and made into delicious lollipops and sweets.

By the way, the product can be used not only in cooking, but also for medical purposes to prevent tumors and improve immunity.

Price, what to replace syrup with

The syrup is commonly found in American-style recipes. If you really want to cook it, but don’t have maple syrup, then you can completely replace it with natural honey. If you have some liquid May acacia honey that is never candied, that would be great.

The second replacement option is, of course, less interesting, but also quite appropriate. This is pear jam syrup.

Homemade recipe

If you really want to make maple syrup yourself, then no problem. Extract maple sap from Norway maple, of course, only in early spring, when the air is just starting to warm up.

Select an old maple tree, drill a hole or make a small recess, install a triangular trough in it, and place a container under it to collect the liquid.

To prepare the delicacy, pour the collected juice into a saucepan, then place it on high heat to evaporate. For example, three liters of liquid will evaporate for at least 1.5 hours. When the excess water evaporates, what remains is what you need - a thick syrup.

Useful properties

Scientists say that maple syrup can be called a superfood, like blueberries or tea leaves. It contains 54 useful substances that keep the body healthy. By the way, five of these components are absolutely unique and cannot be found anywhere else.

In addition, this product does not increase blood sugar, unlike other sweet foods. It also contains a group of polyphenols, which belong to the group of powerful antioxidants.

Another substance was found in the product, which was named “Quebecol” in honor of the province where it is made; thanks to this substance, according to doctors, the problem of diabetes can be solved.

The syrup is rich in potassium, magnesium and zinc. By the way, it contains more of the latter than honey. It is interesting to know that this particular microelement is needed for the growth of “tails” in male reproductive cells; thanks to these tails, sperm move, and men can have a child.

Maple syrup represents useful product(see photo) obtained from natural sap of red, black or sugar maple. Currently, they are actively replacing sugar, since this syrup tastes very sweet. It also has an amber color and a thick transparent consistency. This is why processed maple sap is very similar to bee honey. Despite the fact that maple syrup originates from North America, it is valued all over the world.

This type of syrup is obtained by evaporating natural maple sap, which is usually extracted in early spring. At this time of year, sap collectors make holes in maple trees. Tubes are inserted into them, through which maple liquid gradually passes into a pre-prepared container. The extracted juice is then sent for processing, during which it is evaporated until the syrup becomes thick. Maple sap is eighty percent water and usually takes at least two hours to evaporate. Forty liters of maple sap can yield only one liter of amber syrup. However, given that maple trees are not damaged when collecting maple liquid, it is possible to extract raw materials for making syrup from one trunk annually.

How to choose and store maple syrup correctly?

Not many people know how to properly select and store maple syrup. We suggest you figure out right now how to distinguish real maple syrup from imitation.

The first thing you should always pay attention to is the consistency of the maple syrup. The liquid must only be transparent or translucent. If the liquid is cloudy, the product is not worth buying. In addition, you must always look at the label of the container that contains the syrup. It must indicate the country supplying the product, as well as the name of the manufacturing company. There should also be a golden maple leaf on the container with the syrup. This is a Canadian seal that certifies the authenticity of maple syrup.

In addition, real syrup obtained from natural maple sap will never be cheap. As mentioned earlier, from forty liters of maple sap only one liter of syrup can be obtained. This explains the high cost of this product. It is also worth paying attention to the fact that the taste of real maple syrup must have a light woody note. If the product is simply sweet, then it is probably a fake, made from artificial maple essence and corn syrup.

You can store maple syrup either in the refrigerator or at room temperature. In the latter case, the product must be kept exclusively in a hermetically sealed container. After unpacking, it is recommended to pour the maple syrup into a glass or plastic container and place it in a cool room for storage. If all conditions are met, the shelf life of this product can reach three years.

How to cook with your own hands at home?

To make your own maple syrup at home, you will need to be patient in advance. The process of preparing this product is quite long, and that is why, first of all, it requires patience. The first step is to extract natural maple sap. To do this, you need to wait until spring arrives to look for a large and healthy maple. It is not recommended to extract sap from sick trees, as well as from those trees on which buds have begun to bloom. After the maple trunk is selected, small cuts are made in it, the depth of which should not be more than eight centimeters. Special iron spouts are inserted into the drilled places, and tubes are inserted into them. From one hole in a maple tree you can collect up to three liters of sap in one day.

Collected raw materials must be sent immediately for processing. First, the juice must be filtered, since it may contain remnants of bark or other debris. Then the product is poured into a wide container with a non-stick coating and placed on the fire to evaporate. This usually takes several hours. Pay attention! If you evaporate homemade syrup for a long time, it will turn out too thick and in the future it will simply become sugary. If the product is made too rare, it will have a short shelf life. In addition, it is recommended to boil the juice outside, since during the boiling process sweet steam evaporates, which subsequently settles on objects in the room and makes them sticky. The finished syrup cools slightly, is distributed into jars and sealed tightly.


The use of maple syrup is widespread in America and Canada. In these parts of the world, processed maple sap is very often used for culinary and cosmetic purposes. There are many ways to use this product, and you will learn about them right now!

In cooking

Maple syrup is used very widely in cooking. Its sweet taste and pleasant smell are in perfect harmony with baked goods, fruits, meat and even fish. That is why there are many different dishes that include this versatile product. If you don't know how to use maple syrup for culinary purposes, be sure to take a look at the table below. It offers very tasty and at the same time incredible simple recipes using this product.



apples baked with maple syrup

Six apples, six tablespoons each of raisins and ground walnuts, a pinch of chopped cinnamon, one glass of water and half a glass of maple syrup.

To begin with, the fruit is washed, after which the core is cut out, and the resulting holes are filled with a mixture of raisins, nuts and cinnamon. The stuffed apples are placed on a baking sheet, poured with syrup diluted with water, and placed in the oven for half an hour. While baking, it is recommended to drizzle the dessert with maple sauce from time to time. The finished treat is served with ice cream.

chicken with maple syrup

Chicken, two hundred grams of pecans, one hundred milliliters of maple syrup, one pinch each of coarse salt and ground cinnamon, one tablespoon of water.

First, nuts, salt, cinnamon, water and seventy-five milliliters of maple syrup are mixed in one container. Then the resulting mixture is laid out on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper and baked for fifteen minutes at a temperature of two hundred degrees. Meanwhile, the bird is prepared, after which it is also placed in the oven for sixty minutes. Next, the chicken is thoroughly coated with the baked mixture, sprinkled with the remaining syrup and cooked over the next thirty minutes. The meat dish is served hot with baked potatoes.

maple apple muffins

Two chicken eggs, one hundred grams of butter, three hundred and twenty-five grams of finely chopped apples, two hundred and twenty-five milliliters of maple syrup, six hundred and seventy-five grams of flour, one tablespoon of baking powder, one teaspoon each of chopped cinnamon, salt and nutmeg powder.

To make this delicious apple dessert, you need to beat the eggs and butter thoroughly. After this, add maple syrup and chopped apples to the resulting mass. Next, the mixture must be supplemented with powdered cinnamon, sifted flour, baking powder, ground nutmeg and rock salt. The preparation must be mixed well and packaged in cake tins. This dessert needs to be baked for twenty-five minutes.

maple syrup cookies

Two hundred and fifty grams of flour, one hundred grams of butter, seventy-five grams of sugar, chicken egg, a pinch of baking powder, seventy-five milliliters of maple syrup.

To make these unusual cookies, you need to beat butter and granulated sugar in one bowl. Then syrup and egg are added to the mixture, after which everything is mixed well again. The resulting workpiece should be supplemented with flour and baking powder. The dough is thoroughly kneaded, placed in a bag and put in the refrigerator for one hour to infuse. After this, maple leaf-shaped cookies are made from the mass and placed in an oven preheated to one hundred and eighty degrees for ten minutes. Before serving, the finished baked goods are cooled and topped with maple sauce.

salad with maple syrup

One hundred grams of broccoli, two red apples, one hundred twenty grams of grape fruit, half a head of red onion, olive oil and maple syrup (two tablespoons each), ten grams of ginger, five tablespoons of apple cider vinegar, a tablespoon of Dijon mustard, salt (to taste) .

First of all, prepare the sauce for dressing the salad. Syrup, mustard, salt, oil and vinegar are mixed in one container, and finely chopped ginger root is added to the resulting mixture. Then the cabbage is chopped and placed in the finished sauce. Chopped onions, grapes, apples and nuts are also added there. Everything is mixed well and served to the table.

salmon in maple syrup

Seven hundred grams of salmon fillet, a glass of maple syrup, sixty milliliters soy sauce, a quarter of a glass of ground black pepper, vegetable oil(for baking).

The fish is washed well, cut into portions, and placed in a mixture of syrup and soy sauce. After this, the workpiece is covered with cling film and put in the refrigerator for twenty-four hours for soaking. The next day, the salmon is carefully sprinkled with pepper, placed on a baking sheet lined with foil and greased with oil, and placed in an oven preheated to two hundred and sixty degrees for five minutes. The dish should be served immediately after preparation.

In addition, various puff pastries, buns, cocktails and even cakes are prepared with maple syrup. All desserts that contain this product have a unique taste and aroma.

Processed maple sap is often used as a sweet sauce. It is poured over pancakes, pancakes and various pastries. Due to the fact that the calorie content of this product is low, many people also use it as a substitute for sugar. It is added to tea, coffee and other hot drinks.

In cosmetology

In cosmetology, maple syrup literally works wonders. This product has restorative properties and can make your skin perfect and your hair luxurious. Today it is absolutely not necessary to buy professional masks and balms to give your body beauty. You can easily make do with homemade cosmetics, which are very easy to create with your own hands using only natural ingredients. In the table below you can find recipes for the best cosmetics, in which maple syrup is a mandatory component.


moisturizing mask for face and neck skin

To create this delicious remedy, you will need to combine two teaspoons of honey and maple syrup in one bowl. There you also need to add a small tablespoon of oatmeal, a spoonful of yogurt and two teaspoons of pre-brewed green tea. It is recommended to keep the finished mask on the skin for no more than twenty minutes.

hair shine mask

In this case, you need to prepare the pulp of two mangoes, twenty grams of crushed coffee beans, fifty milliliters of maple syrup, two quail eggs and a small spoon of ground cinnamon. All ingredients need to be mixed, crushed in a blender and applied to the hair. You need to wash off the mask after an hour with warm water.

lip balm

To make this product, you need to melt nine grams of jojoba wax with six grams of passionflower oil. In another bowl, beat shea butter and mango butter (twelve grams each). Next, the two ready-made mixtures need to be combined and beaten thoroughly again. After this, a mixture prepared from two grams of maple syrup and fifteen grams of castor oil is added to the mass. The product is whipped to an airy consistency, transferred to a suitable container and used as a colorless lipstick. The shelf life of this balm reaches six months.

The benefit of maple syrup also lies in the fact that it can be used as a means of losing weight. In this case, you need to adhere to a special diet, which was invented in the 20th century by the American folk healer Stanley Burroughs. So, in order to get rid of extra pounds, you need to prepare a special cocktail, which should include half a glass of purified water, a pinch of crushed red pepper and two tablespoons of real maple syrup and natural lemon juice. These components just need to be mixed, and the finished cocktail must be consumed every morning for five days. Please note: when following this maple diet, you must exclude meat from your daily diet!

What to replace it with?

“What can I substitute for maple syrup?” - this question often worries those people for whom this product, for some reason, is not suitable, but really want to cook something original and tasty. So, if you prepare dishes that do not require high heat treatment, you can replace maple syrup with regular honey or agave syrup.

As for baking, carob syrup and any jam can replace maple syrup. With these substitutes, pies and buns come out no less tasty and healthy.

If you prepare a marinade for meat, you can use Narsharab pomegranate sauce as a replacement. It will enrich meat dishes with an unusually pleasant sourness and a very appetizing burgundy tint.

Beneficial properties, harm and contraindications

You can talk about the beneficial properties of maple syrup for a very long time. This product includes many different antioxidants and vital chemical elements (potassium, zinc, phosphorus, calcium, etc.). Natural maple syrup is also rich in B vitamins, which are responsible for the proper functioning of the human body.

It has been scientifically proven that boiled maple juice can be consumed in the following cases:

  • for the treatment of heart and vascular diseases;
  • to strengthen the immune system;
  • to increase potency;
  • for the treatment of atherosclerosis.

The great thing is that processed maple sap contains virtually no compounds such as oxalates and purines. This indicates that this product cannot cause allergies.

Maple syrup can harm the body only if consumed in unlimited quantities. This is due to the fact that this product contains quite a lot of glucose. If you have diabetes, it is recommended to drink maple syrup with caution.

The only contraindication to this healthy sweet sauce is individual intolerance to it.

Maple syrup is a very tasty product that is useful for both adults and children. In the latter case, the amount of syrup consumed per day must be limited. Give children no more than three tablespoons of this product per day.