The top five most populated countries is completed by Brazil with a population of 210,147,125 people.

Brazil's urban population is 84%, rural - 16%. The famous Rio de Janeiro is home to 11 million people, and Sao Paulo is home to 19 million. These are the two largest federal centers in the country.

A special feature of the Brazilian population is the fact that 50% of Brazilians are first or second generation foreigners. In the north of the country there is a greater influence of immigrants from Portugal and representatives of African tribes. The more favorable south and southeast are inhabited by Brazilians with German, Italian and Japanese roots.

The Republic of Indonesia ranks fourth in the ranking of the most populous countries in the world with a population of 266,357,297 people.

It is located in Southeast Asia, the country's territory spreads over 13 thousand islands. Many small islands don't even have names! The most populous of them are Java and Madura. 58% of the country's residents are concentrated here, with every sixth resident in Java. There are about 300 ethnic groups in the Republic, the most numerous are the Javanese, Sundas, Minangkabau, Toba-Batak and Acehnese (Sumatra Island), Balinese (Bali Island).

The structure of the Indonesian family is curious. Since the country has a huge number of different ethnic groups, family traditions have fundamental differences. If an ordinary Javanese family consists of two parents and children, shows independence in everyday life and does not maintain contact with relatives, then the Balinese, on the contrary, hold close family ties in high esteem. The Balinese family is a complex structure: in addition to the parents, it includes families of several brothers with wives and numerous children.

As of 2018, the population of the United States of America was 325,145,963 people. It is the fourth largest country in the world in terms of territory, and the third in terms of population. America's population is a mixture of different ethnic groups and races. Various languages ​​are spoken here, all world religions are practiced, and one can talk endlessly about the diversity of nationalities of US residents.

Initially, the indigenous people, the aborigines of the country, were Indians, of whom there were more than 3 million. In the 16th and 17th centuries, the first colonies of Europeans appeared, mainly the British, Scots and Irish. Later, representatives from Sweden, France and other European countries appeared. At the same time, representatives of African Americans (blacks) appeared as slaves.

Today the United States is a multinational country, home to 80% of the white race, 12% of African Americans, and the remaining races (Asians, Indians, Eskimos) account for 5%. Every year, the US population increases by 0.5 million people who come in search of a better life. The USA is the most urbanized state, the share of city dwellers in the total population is 77%.
One of the interesting facts is the number of Russian-speaking residents - 700 thousand people!

Trends in recent years indicate that by 2030 China may lose its lead in population to India. As of July 2013, the population of this country is 1,220,800,359 people. Over the past hundred years, India's population growth has exceeded China's by 50 million people!

Considering that the territory of India occupies only 2.4% of the world's area, it concentrated 17.5% of the planet's population, that is, this share of such states as the USA, Pakistan, Indonesia, Brazil, and Japan in total. India's population density is almost 8 times the world average!


The current population of India is very young: more than 50% of Indians are under 25 years of age. India's birth rate is the highest among countries in the world. For every thousand inhabitants there are 22 births of children, and the mortality rate is no more than 6 people.

The most recent data gives a figure of 1,430,075,000 people who inhabit the People's Republic of China. This number suggests that every fourth inhabitant of the planet is of Chinese origin.

Why are the Chinese the most populous nation?

Let's start with the fact that China has more than 5,000 years of existence. The traditions of many nations value large families. But only in China, since the time of Confucius, raising many children in a family (especially boys) was elevated to a cult and was considered the main achievement and happiness for a man.

Since the Communist Party came to power, this principle has received active support. The party leadership relied on enormous labor resources. In 1980, demographic problems worsened in China, and the birth of a second and subsequent children was severely punished at the state level (the fine was more than $3,500).

Today, the country's population has slowed down the rate of growth, and the imbalance has begun in the other direction - it has noticeably aged. A single child cannot provide a decent old age for his aged parents and 4 grandparents (a very limited circle of people receive pensions in China). This sad fact violates the centuries-old traditions of China.

20. Peru is a country in South America. The capital is Lima. Area - 1,285,220 km². It is the third largest country in South America by area.

19. Mongolia is a state in Central Asia. The capital is Ulaanbaatar. Area - 1,564,116 km².

18. Iran is a state in southwest Asia. The capital is the city of Tehran. Area - 1,648,000 km².

17. Libya is a state in North Africa on the Mediterranean coast. The capital is Tripoli. Area - 1,759,540 km².

16. Sudan is a state in East Africa. Khartoum. Area - 1,886,068 km².

15. Indonesia is a state in Southeast Asia. The capital is Jakarta. Area - 1,919,440 km².

14. Mexico is a state in North America. The capital is Mexico City. Area - 1,972,550 km².

13. Saudi Arabia is the largest state on the Arabian Peninsula. The capital is Riyadh. Area - 2,149,000 km².

12. Denmark is a state in Northern Europe, a senior member of the Commonwealth of States of the Kingdom of Denmark, which also includes the Faroe Islands and Greenland. The capital is Copenhagen. Area - 2,210,579 km².

The territory of the island of Greenland is 98% of the territory of the Kingdom of Denmark

11. Democratic Republic of the Congo is a state in Central Africa. The capital is Kinshasa. Area - 2,345,410 km².

10. Algeria is a state in North Africa in the western part of the Mediterranean basin. The capital is Algeria. Area - 2,381,740 km². Algeria is the largest country in Africa by territory.

9. Kazakhstan is a state located in the center of Eurasia, most of which belongs to Asia, and a smaller part to Europe. The capital is Astana. Area - 2,724,902 km².

Kazakhstan is the largest country without access to the World Ocean.

8. Argentina is a state located in the southeastern part of the South American mainland, the eastern part of the Tierra del Fuego island, the nearby Estados islands, etc. The capital is Buenos Aires. Area - 2,766,890 km².

7. India is a country in South Asia. The capital is New Delhi. Area - 3,287,263 km².

6. Australia is a state in the Southern Hemisphere, occupying the mainland of Australia, the island of Tasmania and several other islands of the Indian and Pacific oceans. The capital is Canberra. Area - 7,692,024 km².

5. Brazil - located in the eastern and central part of the mainland of South America. The largest state in terms of area and population in South America. The capital is Brasilia. Area - 8,514,877 km².

The only country on both American continents that speaks Portuguese.

4. The USA is a state in North America. The capital is Washington. Area - 9,519,431 km².

3. China is a state in East Asia. The capital is Beijing. Area - 9,598,077 km².

China is the largest country in the world by population - over 1.35 billion.

2. Canada is a country in North America. The capital is Ottawa. Area - 9,984,670 km².

1. Russia is a state in Eastern Europe and Northern Asia. The capital is Moscow. The area of ​​Russia, taking into account the two new regions of Crimea and Sevastopol, in 2014 is 17,126,122 km².

Russia is the largest state in terms of area in both Europe and Asia.

Largest states by area by continent

  • Asia - Russia (the area of ​​the Asian part of Russia is 13.1 million km²)
  • Europe - Russia (the area of ​​the European part of Russia is 3.986 million km²)
  • Africa - Algeria (area 2.38 million km²)
  • South America - Brazil (area 8.51 million km²)
  • North America - Canada (area 9.98 million km²)
  • Australia and Oceania - Australia (area 7.69 million km²)

Largest countries by population

  1. People's Republic of China - 1,366,659,000
  2. India - 1,256,585,000
  3. USA - 317,321,000
  4. Indonesia - 249,866,000
  5. Brazil - 201 017 953
  6. Pakistan - 186,977,027
  7. Nigeria - 173,615,000
  8. Bangladesh - 156,529,084
  9. Russia - 146,048,500 (including Crimea and Sevastopol)
  10. Japan - 127,100,000
  11. Mexico - 119,713,203
  12. Philippines - 99,798,635
  13. Ethiopia - 93,877,025
  14. Vietnam - 92 477 857
  15. Egypt - 85,402,000
  16. Germany - 80 523 746
  17. Iran - 77,549,005
  18. Türkiye - 76,667,864
  19. Thailand - 70 498 494
  20. Democratic Republic of the Congo - 67,514,000

33% of the world's population lives in China and India (1st and 2nd places), another 33% live in the next 15 countries (3rd to 17th places)

Largest states by population by continent

  • Asia - China (1,366,659,000)
  • Europe - Russia (population of the European part of Russia - 114,200,000)
  • Africa - Nigeria (173,615,000)
  • South America - Brazil (201,017,953)
  • North America - USA (317,321,000)
  • Australia and Oceania - Australia (24,104,000)

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    - # Country urban population, people, 2005 % of the population of the country/territory total population of the country/territory people, 2005 new urban population data year approx. World 3 125,645,070 47.87%... ... Wikipedia

    Below is an alphabetical list of countries in the world, which includes 260 countries, including: 194 independent states (193 UN member states and the Vatican (see also List of states)) States of uncertain status (12) ... Wikipedia

    A list of languages, ordered by the approximate number of people in the world who have a given language as their native language. No. Language Mother tongue (million people) according to version 1 Chinese (Mandarin) 1,213 2 Arabic 422 3 Hindi 366 4 English 341 5 ... Wikipedia

    North America is a continent, together with South America it forms part of the world America. North America has 23 states and 20 dependent territories. Ten states of North America are located in the continental part, the rest ... ... Wikipedia

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  • Fundamentals of social hygiene and healthcare organization, Maistrakh K., Lavrova I.. The textbook is the main teaching aid for students of medical schools. The main problems and tasks of social hygiene are outlined in a concise and accessible form, the methodology is highlighted...

The population of the countries of the world is not a constant indicator: in some places it is growing, but in some countries it is falling catastrophically. There are many reasons for this - economic, political, social, pressure from other powers. As practice shows, people are constantly looking for a place to live with clean air, developed infrastructure, and social guarantees. Natural increase and decrease also influence the ratio of mortality and birth rates, life expectancy, and other significant factors. Previously, experts made predictions that the number of people on the globe would certainly exceed critical indicators and become uncontrollable. Today's realities show that this is not entirely true.

The population size in the world is generally assessed, by continent and superpower; there are exceptions - the European Union, which unites states with different levels of economy and demographics. We should not forget the migration processes activated as a result of military conflicts, as shown by the events in Yugoslavia and Syria. And economic development does not always accompany an increase in the number of people living in a country, and vice versa, as the example of India or individual African countries proves. But first things first. Let's look at the world's largest population by country, according to official statistics.

Largest countries by population

Leader in population China– according to sociologists, almost 1.4 billion people are concentrated there.

In second place India: Indians, compared to the Chinese, are 40 million less (1.36 billion). These are the countries with the largest population in the world, followed by other figures – hundreds of millions or less.

Third place is rightfully occupied USA. There are 328.8 million Americans in the world. After developed and prosperous America, states that are different from each other are taking the lead. These are Indonesia (266.4 million), Brazil (212.9), Pakistan (200.7), Nigeria (196.8), Bangladesh (166.7), Russian Federation (143.3). Mexico closes the top ten with “only” 131.8 million.

Island Japan opens its second decade; it is inhabited by 125.7 million citizens. The next participant in the world population ranking is distant Ethiopia (106.9 million). Egypt and Vietnam are not similar in any way, except for the number of citizens living there - 97 and 96.4 million people, respectively (14th and 15th place). Congo has 84.8 million inhabitants, Iran (17th position) and Turkey (18th) have almost the same number of citizens - 81.8 and 81.1 million.

After the prosperous Federal Republic of Germany with its 80.6 million law-abiding burghers, another decline is observed exactly in the 20s: in Thailand there are 68.4 million Thais. Then a hodgepodge begins, interspersed with developed European countries.

Among other players, the Netherlands (17.1 million) and Belgium (81st position, 11.5 million people) were in 68th place. There are a total of 201 states on the list, ranked by population in descending order, including the Virgin Islands, which are under US protectorate (106.7 thousand people).

How many people live on Earth

In 2017, the world population was 7.58 billion. At the same time, 148.78 million people were born and 58.62 million people died. 54% of the total population lived in cities, 46% lived in towns and villages, respectively. The world population in 2018 was 7.66 billion, with a natural increase of 79.36 million. The data is not final, because the year is not over yet.

Traditionally, the “influx” is provided by states with a low standard of living, which lead in the ranking of the world’s largest countries in terms of population – China and India. If we take statistics over long periods, it is easy to see that the smooth increase in 1960-1970 (up to 2% annually) gave way to a decline until 1980. Then there was a sharp jump (more than 2%) in the late eighties, after which the rate of increase in numbers began to decline. In 2016, the growth rate was about 1.2%, and now the number of people living on Earth is slowly but surely increasing.

TOP 10 countries with the largest population

Statistics belong to the exact sciences and allow, with minimal errors, to determine fluctuations in the number of citizens permanently residing in a given territory and to make a forecast for the future. Online counters and surveys are designed to take into account any changes as impartially as possible, but they are not without fault.

For example, the UN Secretariat estimated the world population in the past year at 7.528 billion people (as of 06/01/2017), the American Census Bureau operates with an indicator of 7.444 billion (as of 01/01/2018), the independent DSW Foundation (Germany) believes that as of 01/01. In 2018, there were 7.635 billion inhabitants on the planet. Which number to choose from the 3 given is up to everyone to decide for themselves.

Population of countries of the world in descending order (table)

The population of the world's countries in 2019 is distributed unevenly among individual states, in accordance with other factors - mortality, birth rate, and overall life expectancy. It’s easy to track how the world’s population changed in 2019 using the following indicators from the table (according to Wikipedia):

Japan and Mexico are “fighting” for 10th place; statistical counters place them in the ranking differently. In total there are about 200 hundred participants on the list. Towards the end are island states and protectorates with conditional independence. There is also the Vatican there. But their participation in the world population growth for 2019 is small - a fraction of a percent.

Rating forecast

According to analysts’ calculations, in the future the number of residents of the largest and dwarf countries of the world will not change on a global scale: the growth rate for 2019 is estimated at approximately 252 million 487 thousand people. Global changes, according to the tabular characteristics of the population of the countries of the world in 2019, do not threaten any of the states.

The last serious fluctuations, according to the UN, were observed in 1970 and 1986, when the increase reached 2-2.2% per year. After the onset of 2000, demographics show a gradual decline with a slight surge in 2016.

Population of European countries

Europe and the union formed in it are going through hard times: a crisis, an influx of refugees from other countries, currency fluctuations. These factors are inevitably reflected in the population size for 2019 in EU countries, being an indicator of political and economic processes.

Germany demonstrates enviable stability: it is home to 80.560 million citizens, in 2017 there were 80.636, in 2019 there will be 80.475 million. The French Republic and the British Empire have similar figures - 65.206 and 65.913 million. Last year they remained at the same level (65); next year in the UK they expect an increase to 66.3 million people.

The number of Italians living in their territories remains unchanged - 59 million. The situation among neighbors is different: some are worse, some are better. Using a table to track the population of countries in Europe and the world is problematic, since, due to open borders, many citizens move freely around the continent, living in one country and working in another.

Population of Russia

The Russian Federation, if you look at population data among countries of the world in descending order in 2019, confidently remains in the top ten. According to one analytical center, in 2019 there will be 160 thousand fewer Russians. Now there are 143.261 million. It is necessary to take into account the combination of regions with different densities, and there are enough of them in Russia (Siberia, the Urals, the Far East and the Far North).

Earth population density

The indicator of population density of the countries of the world does not depend on the area of ​​the territory occupied, but indirectly affects the assessment of the situation. In close positions there are both developed powers (Canada, USA, Scandinavian), in which certain areas are not populated, and representatives of the third world with a critical standard of living. Or the microstate of Monaco, which demonstrates high density (due to the minimum area occupied).

Why is density important?

Density determines the ratio of area and population of the countries of the civilized world, as well as other states. It is not identical to the number or standard of living, but characterizes the development of infrastructure.

There are no clearly defined territories with “normalized” density. More often they observe a situation with abrupt changes from a metropolis to a suburb or across climatic regions. In fact, this is the ratio of the number of people to the area in which they permanently live. Even in the largest countries in the world in terms of population (China and India) there are sparsely populated (mountainous) areas adjacent to densely populated ones.

Countries with the highest and lowest population densities

As in every rating, there are leaders and outsiders. Density is not tied to the number of settlements, the number of citizens living there, or the ranking of the country. An example of this is densely populated Bangladesh, an agricultural power with an economy dependent on developed countries, where there are no more than 5 megacities with a population of one million people.

Therefore, the list contains players that are polar in terms of economic indicators. Among the states of Europe and the world, the Principality of Monaco ranks first: 37.7 thousand people in an area of ​​2 square kilometers. In Singapore, with a population of 5 million, the density is 7,389 people per square kilometer. The Vatican, with its specific administrative divisions, can hardly be called a state, but it is also on the list. Steppe Mongolia is minimally populated, completing the list: 2 inhabitants per unit area.

Table: population, area, density

The tabular form of estimating the population size by country of the world is accepted as visual and easy to understand. The positions are distributed as follows:

In total there are 195 countries on the list. Belgium is in 24th position, after Haiti (341 inhabitants per square kilometer), Great Britain is in 34th (255).

Population density of Russia

The Russian Federation ranks 181st, behind neighboring Ukraine (100) and Belarus (126). Russia has a density indicator of 8.56, while other Slavic states have 74 (Ukraine) and 46 (Belarus). At the same time, in terms of the territory it occupies, the Russian Federation is ahead of both powers by a margin.

There are states on our planet that we only heard about in geography lessons. Entire worlds with their own rules and mentality that live on the other side of the world.

They are not well known because they do not pursue an active foreign policy; the scale of their lands and production within does not affect other countries.

Other countries are powerful fighters for rights and active helpers for neighboring states.

They are endowed with huge territories and supply their “neighbors” with products and minerals. Their territory is so vast that it is difficult to imagine.

Anyone who went to school knows an approximate list of the largest states in the world. Let's refresh our knowledge by remembering their names and the size of the area.

List of the largest countries in the world:

The first 7 countries on the list are considered giants in terms of territory size. Any state whose size exceeds 3,000,000 km² is gigantic.

The territory of Russia is the undoubted leader. Almost twice the size of second-place Canada.

Interesting fact! Under the USSR, our territory was even larger. Its size almost reached the territory of all of North America.

The lion's share - three quarters of the land - belonged to Russia. One sixth of the earth's space belonged to the USSR.

This order was maintained from 1922 to 1991. The area of ​​the USSR is 22,402,200 km². 293,047,571 people lived in these open spaces.

Largest countries by population

Population is another indicator. The territory and numbers vary greatly. The leaders of the previous table are changing abruptly.

Numbers do not depend on wealth, on the contrary: poor countries have larger numbers. Climate, national characteristics, and mentality matter.

List of countries with the largest population:

  1. India.
  2. Indonesia.
  3. Pakistan.
  4. Brazil.
  5. Nigeria.
  6. Bangladesh.
  7. Russia.
  8. Japan.

Russia occupies only 9th position. China is in the lead; Russians have long been making jokes about the situation with population growth. And in vain, since in Russia the situation is the opposite.

Despite the high population, the birth rate in the country is low. In 2016, the birth rate in Russia was 12.9%, and mortality statistics showed exactly the same.

Today in our country there is an active policy to support mothers with children. New laws are being adopted that will improve the financial situation of families with children.

But, as statistics show, it is not a matter of the country’s material well-being.

Leaders in natural population growth:

  1. Malawi - 33.2%.
  2. Uganda - 33%.
  3. Burundi - 32.7%.
  4. Niger - 32.7%.
  5. Mali - 31.8%.

These countries cannot be called developed and wealthy. The fertility rate is taken from the same ratio.

Another surprising pattern: in these countries the mortality rate is lower than in Russia, which occupies - attention - 201st place in the ranking of population growth! We are in 201st place. These are the data for 2016.

In 2017, due to the wave of the financial crisis, the situation did not improve. The mortality rate has decreased, but along with it there has been a real collapse in the birth rate.

So we are still far from reaching the indicators of Malawi and Uganda. The mortality rate in 2017 was 12.6%. Men do not live to see 60 years of age. The female figure is 71 years.

Ratings of countries by standard of living in 2017

The effect of wealth on fertility is a controversial issue. Developed countries are known for having the lowest birth rates.

Psychologists explain this by the lack of a sense of fear, which activates the instinct of self-preservation in residents with a low standard of living.

The instinct of self-preservation calls on people to leave offspring behind. The worse they live, the stronger the desire to continue the family line, to give birth to more children in order to increase the likelihood of continued life.

Developed countries provide stability, and people do not have such an instinct.

In addition to the survival instinct, the culture of a country influences fertility. In the East it is customary to start large families.

They sincerely cannot understand what childfree is and how such people can even exist.

Interesting information! Childfree - families who reject the idea of ​​having and maintaining children.

Top 5 countries leading in terms of living standards in 2017:

  1. Norway.
  2. Australia.
  3. Sweden.
  4. Switzerland.
  5. Netherlands.

The Netherlands ranks 184th in terms of population growth. It is slightly more than 2%.
Sweden - 180th place.
Switzerland - 182nd place.
Norway - 169th place in the ranking, population growth 4.1%.
Australia - 159th place, 4.9%. The mortality rate does not exceed the birth rate - this is a positive indicator for states.

Many countries have a negative rate of natural population growth.

The list includes world powers:

  • Poland.
  • Moldova.
  • Czech Republic.
  • Bosnia and Herzegovina.
  • Italy.
  • Japan.
  • Portugal.
  • Estonia.
  • France.
  • Greece.
  • Belarus.
  • Romania.
  • Monaco.
  • Germany.
  • Croatia.
  • Slovenia.
  • Hungary.
  • Ukraine.
  • Latvia.
  • Lithuania.
  • Serbia.
  • Bulgaria.

The birth rate in these states ranges from 8 to 10%, and the mortality rate: from 9 to 13%.

Comparative data show that the demographic state of affairs in Russia is relatively good.

The financial crisis of recent years has affected the birth rate, but the figures give hope for a better outcome. Mortality and birth rates are at least equal. The current policy of our country is aimed at preserving the nation.

Along with the birth rate, the number of marriages in Russia decreased in 2017.

But the government continues to introduce new laws that will help restore the balance between mortality and fertility in the direction of increasing natural increase.

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